Woo Hoo…I Won!!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis past weekend , I attended our annual Mary Kay Career Conference. I have to admit it was inspiring and one of the best I had ever attended. In the front of the auditorium was a huge media screen upon what would flash all the names of the speakers along with brief training and motivating videos.

Now , traditionally interspersed amongst all the training and name announcing  would be a fun time for us all as we would see flashed upon the screen the names of 3 to 4 attendees that would be the recipients of a lovely gift from Mary Kay.

The conference was winding down and the last gift presentation was about to begin. Now mind you, I never really cared if my name appeared or not but this one time I was conjuring up a scenario in my mind a tale about this poor ol’ lady that went to Career Conference all her life but never once won one of those gifts…when what to my wondering eyes should appear , on that huge screen, in front of everyone, along with 4 other lucky attendees “Marjorie Mar” . I won!.

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