
Woo Hoo…I Won!!

This past weekend , I attended our annual Mary Kay Career Conference. I have to admit it was inspiring and one of the best I had ever attended. In the front of the auditorium was a huge media screen upon what would flash all the names of the speakers along with brief training and motivating videos. Now , traditionally interspersed… Read more →

More About Vintage Lighting

Oh Goody, Another Chandelier a great deal at $45 ,lovely detail built the candle holder around candle screw- in base I found another chandelier!..A decorative element that is really in but thought again because of expense would never indulge in. This one is old probably early 1900’s and is gold washed brass. My husband is not fond of having large… Read more →

My Daughter the Pioneer Woman, or a New Respect for City Dwellers

Day 2 in Boston…. The skies are gray,rain is pouring and winds are blowing. Baby is sick. Daughter must go to CVS for prescription.Being the protective mother,I offered to go along …to HELP.Ready set go! My daughter bundles baby,bundles herself and slips baby into a cocoon  like plastic covering over the stroller and patiently waits while I’m still bundling up… Read more →