My Daughter the Pioneer Woman, or a New Respect for City Dwellers

Day 2 in Boston…. The skies are gray,rain is pouring and winds are blowing. Baby is sick. Daughter must go to CVS for prescription.Being the protective mother,I offered to go along …to HELP.Ready set go! My daughter bundles baby,bundles herself and slips baby into a cocoon  like plastic covering over the stroller and patiently waits while I’m still bundling up and taking my arthritis pills.
Blast Off !! Down the elevator into the cold blustering rainy atmosphere. Daughter with stroller in tow half  a block ahead of me as I hobble along really making my best effort  to maintain some semblance of decorum and keep up.
Finally making it to the train, I am trembling in complete horror as I see my daughter , stroller in tow, perched tentatively on the edge of the platform.I envisioned in complete terror the stoller and my daughter being swallowed up in the CHASM between the platform and the train. As my eyes are closed in horror ,daughter whips that buggy across the chasm with such expertise that I have to admit myself that she is just amazing!
In trying to make at least one heroic motion, I decided to pay for the fare. In my authoritative mother voice ,I asked the porter person(she was a woman) ,how much is the fare. In a somewhat snide remark she answered “It would help to know, to where.”
We barely dragged ourselves on to the train and it was time to drag ouselves off. Out we go again into the cold ,blustery,wet, hostile weather…only to arrive at the pharmacy to learn that the prescription needs to be approved before it can be filled.(shades of Obama Care???)
With a rerun of our earlier experience we finally made it home. My daughter asked me what would I like to do now(being the perfect hostess and making an effort to entertain).My answer..” nothing I just want to sit down and blow my nose.”

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